R Language.
R language. Origin: R is an programming language used for statistical computing. It is developed by Ross Ihaka and Robert G entleman . It is named as R because of the two developers name starts with R. It's initial release was 1995. It is implemented from S language. Purpose of R: R language is used for statistical and graphical techniques. It is used in advanced analytics, predictive analysis, data mining, data science and so on. Advantages: Open source environment . Help to analyse the data in graphical representation. Highly used for statistical computing. When you see the data in graphical manner you can able to explore more and more about the particular data. Easy to use packages. Highly used in data science purposes. Basic syntax and programs for R Language. 1.Basic arithmetic operation. program: Addition a=1 b=2 c= a + b print(c) output: 3 Subtraction: a=10 b=5 c= a - b print(c) Output: 5 Multiplication: a=7 b=11 c= a * b print(c) Output: 77 Division: a= 10 b= ...